Thursday, 6 March 2025

10 Years of Publications -- 2016

2025 marks ten years of V. Press publishing solo-authored titles and, as part of our celebrations, we're sharing our year-by-year publications over that period.

The press was originally launched at Ledbury Poetry Festival in July 2013 with a one-off poetry chapbook anthology before moving on to solo-authored poetry pamphlets in 2015.

Our first solo-authored poetry collection and our first flash fiction pamphlet came out in 2016. There have been illustrated poetry pamphlets, a dual-authored poetry pamphlet and a full-length flash fiction title along the way.

Today, we highlight our 2016 titles!

Hometown -- Carrie Etter -- 4 April 2016

Hometown brims with emotion-charged stories, distinctive characters and situations of hidden and not-so-hidden tensions in everyday lives in the American Midwest. From characters’ differing sense of responsibility to themselves, their friends and their families, to the wide-ranging aftermath of a white man’s accidental killing of a black man in central Illinois, these flash fictions illuminate the daily struggle of being human. Hometown proves very immediate and very engaging from start to finish.

"Etter's stories climb into your head and reboot it from the inside, from the squealingly joyous to the darkly sad, some with gear changes that fling you backwards in your seat, some told in voices so strong you could lean against them, and then some fragile, as if the page held nothing but the faint impression of a delicate and long-dead insect. I can't wait for more." 

David Gaffney

A sample story from Hometown can be read below. 

More details and ordering for Hometown can be found here.

Eddie’s First Seven Visits to Nick in Prison as Questionnaire

Question 1: What do you miss most?

                Week 1: Pot. Sex. But then I wasn’t getting much sex anyway with me and Lisa separated, was I?

                Week 3: Beer. I really need a beer. I really need ten beers.

                Week 5: You’re trying to get me to say Micheleo’s pizza, aren’t you? How many times do you think we met there for lunch? It has to be in the hundreds. We get pizza here — not very good pizza, of course, but it passes. My mom’s chuck roast, now that I could kill for. I’m joking, come on!

                Week 7: Crystal. The way she smells after a bath. How cute she looks when she rubs her nose in her sleep.

                Week 9: Have you found a way to sneak beer in here? ‘Cause if you have, I could be real popular. At least for a day.

                Week 11: The sky. The prairie. Big open space. Could you blow up a photograph of the view from my folks’ house out the back, that overgrown field? I swear some of the cars we used to play with are still in there somewhere. You could do it, right? I could put it on my wall.

                Week 13: What do you want me to say? I miss everything, fucking everything. Waking up with Lisa. Hearing Crystal in the next room. Mom, Dad — even you.

Question 2: How are things with Lisa?

                Week 1: Okay, I guess. She showed up for everything, but we haven’t really talked. We’re good. I hope we’re good.

                Week 3: She didn’t come this week. She said she had to work last minute, somebody got sick. I believe her, but I still think I ain’t lookin’ so hot to her these days, you know what I mean? Three years with good behavior. When was I ever good for three months, let alone three years? But then it’s easier to be good in here, a little bit.

                Week 5: I have no idea.

                Week 7: I gotta get her back. I mean, she’s not gone, but she’s not with me, either. I want her to be with me like I’m with her.

                Week 9: We talked, but just about what other people are doing — my folks, Crystal, even Mary. I ask about herself and she clamps up. I’m afraid to say anything about us. I say anything about us, that’s her opening — she’s gone.

                Week 11: This time when she came I combed my hair. Don’t laugh. You know it’s not me. Or wasn’t me. I was just trying to clean up, look good for her, and what can I do in bright orange clothes? I can shave, and I can comb my hair. I can brush my teeth. I did all that. I don’t know if she noticed.

                Week 13: Will you tell me what to do? Is there anything I can do?

Question 3: What are you going to do when you get out?

                Week 1: Get drunk, I guess. Get high. Sleep it off and start over again.

                Week 3: Drive! Music up, window down. You’re in the passenger seat.

                Week 5: It depends on what’s up with Lisa.

                Week 7: What do you want me to say? Start over? What do I know how to do besides drive a cab? You’re the smart one.

                Week 9: Join the library? Hell if I know.

                Week 11: Stop asking me, man. It’s too far off. I’ve got to keep my head here.

Book of Bones -- Kathy Gee -- 30 April 2016

“Every contact leaves a trace,” said Edmund Locard. Book of Bones examines who we are, our impact and what we leave behind. Rich with imagery, thoughtfulness and levity, Kathy Gee’s poetry is vibrant with people, places and lives connecting across time. From skeletons, scandal and hidden narratives to fathers, friendship and photographs, these are poems of identity, warmth and melancholy. 

Book of Bones is very observant, very vivid.

“Kathy Gee's debut is a cabinet of curiosities, exploring the personal and monumental past. Small artefacts and once-silenced voices are brought to life. Her observing eye takes in figures from King Henry to Goering and all points in between, seeking historical answers to very modern concerns." Jo Bell

“In this entertaining first collection Kathy Gee curates a rich display of historical artefacts, landscapes and personalities that bring the past up close – and personal. The poems, deftly fashioned and imbued with a feisty tenderness, leave traces of wonder, joy, compassion and a wry humour all of which linger pleasurably in the mind.” Stephen Boyce

A sample poem from the full-length collection can be found below. More about Book of Bones can be found here.


Somewhere in the swirl of paint
lies moisture captured from his breath,
some slight impression of his gaze,
the weight of hours in a draughty loft.

Collectors breathe the painter’s dust,
observe as women stitch their silks
and sunlight falls on a chequered floor.
They want to own the artist’s essence,
touching atoms, brushing fingers,
seeking to be part of him,
his fame illuminating theirs.

Goering, finding his Vermeer
was fake, was shocked, as if he’d just
discovered there is evil in the world.

The Old Man in the House of Bone -- David Calcutt -- 15 June 2016

The Old Man in the House of Bone features poems by David Calcutt and illustrations by Peter Tinkler.

Dramatic language and absorbing images blend together seamlessly into this very dark and very surreal account of ageing and loss.

"'Who’s there? Who is it? Who is it? 
Who’s there? The house of bone puts its finger to its lips. 
Says nothing. It’s keeping its secret to itself.’

David Calcutt’s The Old Man in the House of Bone is an invitation inside a shadowy and mysterious dwelling, one that is also full of curious magic and charismatic strangeness. Questions and secrets abound – does the occupier occupy the house, or does the house occupy its resident? Readers will find themselves irresistibly drawn in, and pondering these enigmas, too. This precise and striking series of poems is both consequential and sequential; each one building on the previous and the following like sediment, creating a brooding and disquieting atmosphere. Calcutt’s poetry is alert and surefooted – written with a humane touch, and always compelling.” Jane Commane

The Old Man in the House of Bone is a fable, a fairytale, is a humane and tender account of an old man’s mental and physical decline into the final silence.  David Calcutt’s imagery grows from the page and fixes itself inside the skull.  He is a master magician, a seeker of darkness.” Helen Ivory

A sample poem from the pamphlet can be enjoyed below. More about The Old Man in the House of Bone, a sample illustration and ordering can be found here.

No one comes calling at the house of bone
there are no foot-shuffles on the front step
no yoo-hoos through the letterbox
or if they do come calling they come as shades
escaped from hell through the trapdoor in the cellar
wrinklings of light and smoky silences
that twist their way in under the door
to float like mote-dust, like flies around the fruit-bowl
and the old man thinks he might just recognise a face
or the echo of a gesture, or the shape of a voice
but even as he reaches out to touch it, it vanishes
and he has only his own feet to look at
his glasses case, his empty cup, his own hands
lying crumpled anyhow on the table, like unopened letters
each one labelled with the wrong address.

Let the house of bone be a needle
slowly threading its way through to the heart

A Career in Accompaniment -- Alex Reed -- 11 July 2016

A Career in Accompaniment is a pamphlet of love, loss and surprising lightness. Based on Alex Reed’s personal experiences, these poems witness what it is like to care for a lover with severe illness and to live with a future where there is no “escape without damage”. Spare and accessible language of the everyday reinforces the emotional power and resonance of “all the falling” but also recalls moments of great tenderness, when “the world lit in her eye”. This poetry of “fragile places” is very intimate yet very universal.

“Reading these poems, you are struck by their striving for truthfulness – as if that might be the key to making sense of a seemingly senseless situation, a life no one could prepare for. And yes, truthfulness seems to work – opening into absolute presence, careful observation of detail and moment-by-moment tenderness and courage. Here you are listening to a generous, unassuming voice, drawing our human vulnerability and capacity for endurance closely together, with space to breathe and gather what threatens to scatter. Restraint and discretion characterise the poems as well as openness – a hard-won but lightly-worn congruence. ‘A Career in Accompaniment’ reminds us what poetry makes possible.” Linda France

This title is now sold out. But more about A Career in Accompaniment can be found here.

Fragile Houses -- Nina Lewis -- 30 October 2016

Home is more than a brick building, family trees or ancestral bones. In Fragile Houses, Nina Lewis explores the people, places and memories carried through life. Vibrant imagery and precise insight reveal strength in the most tender places. The pamphlet includes a photographic sequence from S.A. Leavesley that is directly inspired by the poems’ vivid mix of fragility and sharpness. Fragile Houses is very authentic and very fervent.

“In this engaging debut pamphlet, Nina Lewis deftly examines the human condition through the lens of family relationships. There is more than memoir here; issues of connection and disconnection, presence and absence, are gently explored while always acknowledging ‘These years can’t be backtracked or re-spent’ (from ‘Fusion’).” Angela France

“Nina Lewis’ debut pamphlet from V. Press explores memory and family. These are exact, concisely-conceived poems which find their power in restraint and understatement – ‘In our family, minds go missing’. She writes observantly about memory, and its trickeries, caught ‘somewhere in the space/ between those two lost letters, / as vivid as gold-dust,/ falling to the earth.’ Throughout the pamphlet Lewis maintains a voice which is sometimes sad, but truthful and grown wise, with some really memorable images which successfully convey the strong emotions she deals in – ‘He stayed away. Radio silence. / An opaque circle was drawn around our house/ filled with white noise.’” Jean Atkin

A sample poem may be found below, along with a sample image from the pamphlet's  photographic sequence by S. A. Leavesley. More about Fragile Houses and ordering can be found here.

Ambiguous Answers

Teaching us ‘antonyms’, she asked:
‘What is the opposite of sweet?’
I remember stretching my arm up so high
I had to balance it against my left hand
to stop the aching.

I stared right at her.
I knew this; I knew it.

I was picked third;
‘Chocolate!’ I announced proudly,
being sure of applause.

She didn’t smile.
Looked at me as if she was trying
to work something out.
Some children sniggered;
she reprimanded them.
This made me think I was right after all.

She asked why I thought it was chocolate
and I explained how, with weekly pocket money,
Dad would take us up to the post office
and we could either afford sweets
or chocolate,
but not both.

I didn’t really know ‘sour’,
but the look she gave
demonstrated it perfectly.

'Fragile: Spilling' by S.A. Leavesley

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

10 Years of Publications -- 2015

2025 marks ten years of V. Press publishing solo-authored titles and, as part of our celebrations, we will be sharing our year-by-year publications over that period.

The press was originally launched at Ledbury Poetry Festival in July 2013 with a one-off poetry chapbook anthology before moving on to solo-authored poetry pamphlets in 2015.

Our first solo-authored poetry collection and our first flash fiction pamphlet came out in 2016. There have been illustrated poetry pamphlets, a dual-authored poetry pamphlet and a full-length flash fiction title along the way.

Today, we highlight our 2015 titles!

Ransom Notes -- Jacqui Rowe -- 1 May 2015

This is a sequence of little poetry fictions that are simultaneously very serendipitous and very idiosyncratic. Each poem is an abstraction from the lives of characters conceived by chance and who emerge through the writing  without ever fully explaining themselves.

Originating from a process of cutting up and randomness, fragments of writing, sketches, poem drafts and found texts were initially combined to form documents resembling a kidnapper’s ransom notes. These were then crafted and shaped. It may be that the same people recur throughout the poems, heard variously in different voices from diverse points of view, or that they are several characters, interacting in and populating the same world.

“Ransom Notes is a beguiling construct of abducted and redeemed words, still trailing the resonances of unknown former contexts. From them, Jacqui Rowe has teased and finessed new narratives, characterized by dissonant echoes, tonal shifts, sudden depths and elliptical insights.” Alasdair Paterson

“Beautifully crafted poems which reveal themselves slowly with each read. This is a pioneering work by a poet on top of her game.” Antony Owen

A sample poem from the pamphlet  can be found below. More about Ransom Notes and ordering can be found here.


but light was not his field
dirtier in busy doors and tightly
woven doorways shades

of its refraction dimmed
and skimmed dishevelled ladies
his brain kept flaming

spills alive in bell jars birds
fell dead out of the sky his phantasy
revelled at length in patterns
of great earthquakes the certain

stars showed smiles
of loosened hair that wicked
away all terrible appearances

and unforeseen in time he went
for phlogiston and weeping said within
himself the first breath of a word

art brut -- David O' Hanlon -- 14 July 2015

Set against a background of literary and artistic allusions, art brut is a precise and moving sequence on childhood and teenage institutionalisation. Tackling the nature of trying to reshape memories and carve out something positive, this pamphlet is a concentrated crafting of raw experiences into a poetry that is alive with characters and thought-provoking truths. Stripping back the sometimes over-romanticised notions of institution life, David O’Hanlon creates his own sharp and haunting art that is very real and very gripping.

"The poems in David O’Hanlon’s first collection are ‘epiphanies of sun’ which shine a light on the poet’s experiences of psychiatric illness; to read them is to experience serial insights into a much overlooked and frequently taboo aspect of the human condition. Through poetry which is both lucid and engaging, O’Hanlon manages to transform his intensely personal experiences into something more universal: poems which can resonate with everyone (and not just those who have regular appointments with a psychiatrist). Bright lights cast dark shadows, and there are references to padded cells, catatonic states, self-harm, suicide attempts, OCD, et al, yet the deftness with which they are revealed, and the resilience, honesty and humour of this highly promising young poet’s writing, will leave you feeling uplifted. David O’Hanlon shows us that while the past can have a powerful hold over us, beauty, truth and poetry can emerge from the depths of anguish and despair. An astonishing debut." Fergus McGonigal

 "If David O'Hanlon had written this sentence, you'd have shed a tear by now." Jenni Pascoe, JibbaJabba

A sample poem from the pamphlet may be read below. More about art brut and ordering can be found here.

art brut

So, after my swirling black abyss, a work
still in progress, we turned to Sophies landscape:
a jazz-hands sun, the wide Vs, almost Ms
of birds, a green ribbon, edge to edge,

and, poking their heads up out from the grass
five earthworms, five pink splodges
more finger than worm, with blobbed eyes
and theres-no-bad-in-life smiles.

Are they supposed to represent real people
or a specific event, maybe?
Its a fascinating choice of subject matter.
Worms usually have quite negative associations,

particularly death, but yours are content,
blissful. Do you think maybe theres
something in that, a desire to make
positives from even the worst situations?

She didnt take it with her.
Like others left behind, it ended up
on the wall where, my sentimentality
assures me, it remains, unfaded.

The Girl Who Grew Into a Crocodile -- Claire Walker -- 1 October 2015

Daughter, wife and mother; femme fatale, object of study and maker of myths…The Girl Who Grew Into a Crocodile explores what being a real woman has been, is, and could be in today’s society of celebrity, stereotypes and media spin. Beneath the poems’ sometimes quiet surfaces, a strong voice, pared word choices, precise images and thought-provoking metaphor make this a powerful pamphlet. The Girl Who Grew Into a Crocodile is very vivid and very resonant.

"Claire Walker's debut pamphlet The Girl Who Grew Into a Crocodile is a riveting meditation on motherhood and transformation that crackles with drama. There are moments of lyrical delicacy and oceanic longings, and Walker's perceptual acuity pitches the reader into a world where nothing is taken at face value – a girl might be a crocodile, a mermaid could become captor, and seeds are studied for their mnemonic potential. This is a work to be savoured." Carolyn Jess Cooke

"A confident and impressive debut by Claire Walker. The alluring qualities in this collection are the sense of mystique in many of her poems which at first glance appear elucidating. The stylistic fusion of narrative and illustrative poetry see-saws from the adult experience of life to a fabling account of the innocence and fragility of childhood and adolescence. Claire Walker is a writer who clearly cares about her craft and some of the dreamlike qualities of this collection are reminiscent of Joy Davidman’s work." Antony Owen

"These are poems of growth, fertility and flow – rivers, plants, women. Claire Walker skilfully combines nature, myth and the everyday, and when reading her work, it’s difficult to imagine a world where things are ever any other way. The Girl Who Grew Into a Crocodile is a stunning, quietly powerful debut pamphlet, full of wistful smiles and blissful tears." Kate Garrett 

This title is now out of stock, but m
ore about it can be found here.

Wednesday, 5 February 2025

Launching The Price of Happiness

V. Press is very very pleased to start our 2025 anniversary year with the publication of The Price of Happiness.

The Price of Ηappiness neither holds back nor wastes a word in its tale of a marriage from unsettling omens (‘Goodness, I’m weeping said Mum’) to full-blown violent coerciveness (‘the sore in the wall/where the dinner was thrown’) and out through the numbness and the decree absolute to the glimmers of a new life (‘it crackled like fireworks,/illegal for so long’). You barely take a breath before you’re holding it in shock at the damage we do each other in the altogether too close up of a dysfunctional relationship. It is a tribute to Nikki Robson’s skill that this is accomplished without sentiment, catching our attention and our compassion entirely through telling detail and command of phrasing – these poems are constantly quotable in their exactitude – ‘my label of a husband’; ‘my mummy-smile’; ‘this Vitruvian boy’ – and are nowhere more moving than in their grasp of the impact on the children: ‘[I] tried to describe the end of her world/as the beginning of another’.” W. N. Herbert

“‘The divorced cannot/bury their dead.’ Nikki Robson scours that truth, asks where it leads. We are used to graphic detonations of trauma, but here, the poet, well able to apply her ‘mummy-smile’, layers words, finds metaphor, draws deeply on sources and places. Unfolding her narrative, she never neglects a poet's first responsibility: to language. These poems haunt as mere shock cannot.” Beth McDonough

The Price of Happiness is very visceral and very contemplative.

ISBN: 978-1-7394122-4-1
34 pages
R.R.P. £6.99

A sample poem from The Price of Happiness can be enjoyed below.

BUY The Price of Happiness NOW using the paypal options below. 

The Price of Happiness (with p&p options)

N.B. Any international customs/duty charges are the buyer's responsibility.

Signature dish 

We ended the conversation laughing – 
weren’t we meant for each other,  
making curry on both sides of the Irish Sea?
I’d ground the aromatics and rubbed the lamb,  
marinaded it overnight in wine and thyme.  
Now low and slow on the hob, it bubbled 
up intermittently, splatted spice on steel.  
Coriander clung to the sharp blade, 
dough bedded in the warming drawer.  

Three months later I opened the cupboards  
to join my kitchen with his. 
Rows of packets of Vesta.

Wednesday, 11 December 2024

Seasonal Greetings!


Wishing all our readers, writers and supporters a wonderful festive period and a great start to 2025! Thank you for being with us this year -- and here's to many more to come!

In the New Year...

2025 marks ten years since V. Press started publishing solo-authored pamphlets and collections. 

V. Press is very very delighted to be starting this anniversary year with the publication of The Price of Happiness by Nikki Robson.

The Price of Ηappiness

The Price of Ηappiness neither holds back nor wastes a word in its tale of a marriage from unsettling omens (‘Goodness, I’m weeping said Mum’) to full-blown violent coerciveness (‘the sore in the wall/where the dinner was thrown’) and out through the numbness and the decree absolute to the glimmers of a new life (‘it crackled like fireworks,/illegal for so long’). You barely take a breath before you’re holding it in shock at the damage we do each other in the altogether too close up of a dysfunctional relationship. It is a tribute to Nikki Robson’s skill that this is accomplished without sentiment, catching our attention and our compassion entirely through telling detail and command of phrasing – these poems are constantly quotable in their exactitude – ‘my label of a husband’; ‘my mummy-smile’; ‘this Vitruvian boy’ – and are nowhere more moving than in their grasp of the impact on the children: ‘[I] tried to describe the end of her world/as the beginning of another’.” W. N. Herbert

“‘The divorced cannot/bury their dead.’ Nikki Robson scours that truth, asks where it leads. We are used to graphic detonations of trauma, but here, the poet, well able to apply her ‘mummy-smile’, layers words, finds metaphor, draws deeply on sources and places. Unfolding her narrative, she never neglects a poet's first responsibility: to language. These poems haunt as mere shock cannot.” Beth McDonough

The Price of Happiness is very visceral and very contemplative.

ISBN: 978-1-7394122-4-1
34 pages
R.R.R.P. £6.99

A sample poem from The Price of Happiness, which is now also available for pre-ordering, can be enjoyed here.

The Festive Period

If you're still looking for Christmas presents -- for yourself or others! -- then here's a few to consider or check out our Bookshop for all our titles.*

This autumn saw another new print run of Michael Loveday's Three Men on the Edge, which was  shortlisted for the Saboteur Awards 2019 Best Novella.

Many of our titles do go on to new print runs, with some also selling out entirely. So, if you're after a particular title, please do order quickly!

2024 titles: The Trajectory of Ghosts (flash fiction chapbook) by Tom Vowler; Robins, Feathers, Pearls (poetry chapbook) by Ella-Louise Fisher,  The Love Trio (LT) Bundle, The Mothering Trio (MT) Bundle, The Narrative Poetry Duo (NPD) Bundle, The Narrative Poetry Trio (NPT) Bundle, The V. Press Prize for Poetry Trio (VPPPT) Bundle Fire and Bees (poetry chapbook) by Bethan Rees

2023 titles: Brother (poetry chapbook) by Sheila Lockhart; Turn Around When Possible (poetry collection) by Martin Zarrop, Not Enough Rage (poetry collection) by Gram Joel Davies, (m)othersongs (poetry chapbook) by Sarah Doyle, Dancing in Babylon (poetry chapbook) by Elaine Baker, Braised in Wine (illustrated poetry chapbook) by D.D. Holland, The Human Portion (poetry chapbook) by Nicola Warwick

2022 titles: Powerless Rangers (poetry chapbook) by Jack McGowan, The Beautiful Open Sky (poetry chapbook) by Hannah Linden, Creature Without Building (poetry chapbook) by Ray Vincent-Mills, You'll need an umbrella for this (poetry collection) by Victoria Richards

* NB When ordering, please be aware that orders are usually processed within 48 hours of their placing, with second class postage for the UK. If ordering for Christmas or another particular date, please do make sure to order sufficiently in advance for their delivery.

And more...

If it's a little late to order a physical book and are looking for something to read immediately, then our flash fiction eBooks (The Chemist's HouseThe NeverlandsAlice in Wonderland Syndrome and Set a Crow to Catch a Crow) can all be purchased through Amazon. 

Monday, 14 October 2024

Launching The Trajectory of Ghosts

V. Press is very very excited to announce the publication of The Trajectory of Ghosts by Tom Vowler.

“Tom Vowler takes us into the thick of the moment with slow confident detail that makes us poise within time, where actions have distinct consequences and there is a path taken through havoc. He captures what happens at the intersection of human fragility and the might of nature, using language that caresses and haunts.”
Catherine McNamara

“Beautifully written bite-sized stories, exploring ghosts and hauntings and loss. Stimulating and satisfying – a splendid collection.”
Alison Moore

The Trajectory of Ghosts is very ethereal and very necessary. 

ISBN: 978-1-7394122-3-4
36 pages
R.R.P. £6.99

A sample flash fiction from The Trajectory of Ghosts can be enjoyed below.

BUY The Trajectory of Ghosts NOW using the paypal options below. [The Trajectory of Ghosts is out in October 2024; pre-orders are posted out in the week of publication.]

The Trajectory of Ghosts (with p&p options)

N.B. Any international customs/duty charges are the buyer's responsibility.

Ghost Rock

We’re losing the moon, you say. It’s past midnight and we are sitting in the rubble of our eight-year coupling, sipping cheap red wine in a pool of moonlight on the kitchen floor. You’ve told me this before, but I indulge you as you articulate this little-known quirk of astrophysics, how our ghost rock is gradually slipping its orbit, an inch or so a year, the rate a fingernail grows. You are wearing the burgundy jumper we fought for custody of, its scent now a blend of our odours. I consider the division of other nouns we’ve accumulated: CDs, furniture, friends. The tidal bulge caused by the moon always sits just ahead of it, you continue, the force slinging the moon outwards, like being on a roundabout. I have to teach a writing class in the morning and, for a second, I marshal sufficient pragmatism to note this phenomenon as a potential prompt. Lunar poetry can occupy them while I try to buttress myself. You announce that days will lengthen as the Earth’s rotation slows and, like a spinning plate losing its centrifugal force, the planet will become unstable. Eventually, it will cease turning altogether. From nothing, a car alarm mauls the air, violating the stillness. You wait for it to discontinue, then offer me a seductive smile. It’s possible we may yet converge in the bedroom, a final plundering of one another, rhapsodic and ferocious, an act guillotining past and future. You know the Americans were going to detonate a nuclear bomb on its surface, you say. In the 1950s. Just to flaunt it at the Soviets. Despite the wine harshening with every sip, I realise I could listen to you all night.


Monday, 30 September 2024

Launching Robins, Feathers, Pearls

V. Press is very very delighted to announce the publication of Robins, Feathers, Pearls by Ella-Louise Fisher, whose university portfolio of poems won last year's V. Press Prize for Poetry.

Robins, Feathers, Pearls takes us on a journey of what it means to lose but also what it means to have. These poems are proof that the greatest moments of sadness and despair can be written with beauty and light. You will get lost in these words, and you will be grateful for it.”

Casey Bailey

“This remarkable debut publication from Ella-Louise Fisher is a powerful reminder of how bereavement can be more than an individual experience. Elegiac work is by nature difficult to write. It is often particularly difficult to communicate the balance between public and private grief which holds the elegy in place, but Fisher’s poems skilfully present personal moments from a rich life that frames the context of loss in beautiful, heartbreaking, and strikingly recognisable ways. More than this, Robins, Feathers, Pearls is a true commitment to honouring life as well as reflecting on death, and honesty, integrity, and deep love for family lives in every line.”
Jack McGowan

Robins, Feathers, Pearls is very honest, and very moving. 

Winner of the V. Press Prize for Poetry 2023

ISBN: 978-1-7394122-1-0
36 pages
R.R.P. £6.99

A sample poem can be enjoyed below.

BUY Robins, Feathers, Pearls NOW using the paypal options below.

Robins, Feathers, Pearls (with p&p options)

N.B. Any international customs/duty charges are the buyer's responsibility.

The Aisle of Urns in Charity Shops

I might donate your ashes to a charity shop. 

When I think of you, 
I picture you stroking the sleeves of jumpers 
in the aisles of Oxfam, 
holding teddies, and a book,
and dolls and wool, 
ready to give to me. 

I picture you grasping bin bags 
of knitted blankets and cardigans 
ready to donate, 
and, after promising not to take too long,
you’d spend hours browsing the 
fine china and teacup sets. 

You came home one day with a necklace, 
a small statue of a dog’s head for your fireplace, 
and a jewellery box, slightly chipped. 
Carrying a box of Beano comics on your hip. 
It might be worth something one day,
you said, 
as I raised my eyebrows. 

Now I walk in and find your pearls 
and your picture frames 
and your tea pot 
in the aisles of Oxfam
and, even though I donated them myself, 
I take them all in my arms and buy them again. 

A change of heart, 
I’ll wear you around my neck instead.