Wednesday 12 July 2017

More review delight!

We're very very delighted to share news of the latest review of David Clarke's pamphlet-length poetry sequence, Scare Stories.

"Causality and chaos. These could be our governing gods at present. They are certainly the governing gods in David Clarke’s Scare Stories – a 25 poem sequence in the third person plural set in ‘possible near futures or versions of the present’.

"The poems cover horribly recognisable ground: consumerism, refugee crises, despot generals, video-game violence, genocide, corporatism, sex and death. These are neat, short poems that form a coherent whole. But the work is full of contradictions that undermine the slick surfaces.
"What impressed me most about this collection were its delivery mechanisms. Not necessarily ‘what’ is said in the poems, but ‘how’ Clarke chooses to construct and present them. It’s a masterclass in how to embed more questions into the work. Fitting for the highly questionable circumstances we’re currently living in."

Heidi Williamson, reviewing for The Poetry School

The full detailed and thoughtful review can be found here. A sample poem and more about the collection can be read here.

Buy your own copy of Scare Stories now, using the paypal link below.

Scare Stories (with P&P options)

Monday 3 July 2017

“a lingual leyline” – review news

We’re v. v. delighted to share the latest review of Gram Joel Davies’ Bolt Down This Earth.

“Bolt Down This Earth is a courteously eye-catching debut collection, a lingual leyline buzzing with a flexed perception blending a revenant reflex with lyrical confidence…
A worthy arrival. I look forward to Davies' next book.” Grant Tabard, The Lake

The full detailed and thoughtful review by Grant Tabard can be found here

Buy Bolt Down This Earth now using the paypal link below

Bolt Down This Earth with P&P

More background to the collection and a sample poem from Bolt Down This Earth can be found here