Saturday 10 October 2020

Launching Blue Dot Aubade

V. Press is very very delighted to launch Blue Dot Aubade, a pamphlet of poems by Miranda Lynn Barnes.

“I don’t think poems need to teach anything but nevertheless there's much to learn about the cosmos, the spirit, matter, and what matters here. The best part is that the lessons are delivered by a high-energy beam of surprising, hyper-attentive language. I'm obsessed with light, as are these poems. Ultimately, the language is the lesson – it's how the poems see and they may affect your vision afterwards.
Light travels as waves
and arrives as particles.

We travel as bodies
and arrive as light.

(From 'Cheating Light')”

Simon Barraclough
“Miranda Lynn Barnes' Blue Dot Aubade uses astrophysics and human experience as lenses for one another and thereby creates a renewed appreciation of both. At times playful, at times poignant, these intelligent poems illuminate our environment in the broadest sense: they give us a new view of our universe and our relationship to it. An engaging, original debut.”

V. Press Guest Editor Carrie Etter

Blue Dot Aubade is very cosmic, and very numinous.

ISBN: 978-1-9161096-7-4

36 pages

R.R.P. £6.50

A sample poem from the pamphlet can be found below.

BUY BLUE DOT AUBADE NOW using the paypal options below. 

Blue Dot Aubade (including P&P/delivery options)


She’s been found
on meteorites, the dust

on Mars, tails of comets,
and the natal discs

of forming stars. Her crystal
green has been seen

in early solar birth
and the magma ocean

of the moon as it cooled.
She sparkles in every arc,

every glint against the ink
of the sky.

You are the greenest twinkle
in my eye, Olivine.


Saturday, 10 October 2020
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Free but must register at Limited open mic slots available to book, first come, first served. 

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