Our 'double delight' flash fiction pamphlet duo means UK-based readers can get Damhnait Monaghan's The Neverlands together with Paul McDonald's Midnight Laughter for just £12.
The offer, which includes postage and packing, runs until the end of the month and is available for UK-delivery only. Please use the Paypal button below to purchase this.
'Double Delight Flash Fiction Pamphlet Duo' (UK delivery only)
The Neverlands
"Monaghan draws these characters and their hardscrabble existence with a skilled hand, taking care to grant readers intermittent moments of dark humor and optimism. This slim pamphlet contains unblinking truths about families, motherhood, childhood, poverty, and manages to make readers feel as though they’ve read an epic novel about Nuala and Mammy in just a handful of words."
Frannie Mcmillan, SmokeLong Quarterly, full review here
Midnight Laughter
"This is the perfect collection for someone who wants to read and think, to get something out of the time they put in to reading: weird and wonderful, seductive and strange."
Jon Wilkins, Everybody's Reviewing, full review here
Following on from the new print run and shortlisting of Michael Loveday's flash fiction novella Three Men on the Edge, V. Press is delighted to share the reader's notes and potential discussion points that he has put together for book groups here. (And you can find details of a range of Michael's forthcoming events below.)
V. Press is delighted to be taking part in the 'Publishing with an Indie Press' event at this year's , Flash Fiction Festival at Trinity College Bristol, Stoke Hill, Stoke Bishop, 2.45-3.45pm. This event is part of the weekend festival – full details on booking can be found on the festival website at https://www.flashfictionfestival.com/. Diane Simmons, whose debut flash fiction collection Finding A Way was published by Ad Hoc Fiction in February 2019, Damhnait Monaghan, whose debut flash fiction chapbook The Neverlands was published in April 2019 by V. Press, and Susmita Bhattacharya published by Dahlia Press will talk about their journeys to publication and what has happened in the few months since. With publishers Jude Higgins from Ad Hoc Fiction, Sarah Leavesley from V. Press and Farhana Shaikh from Dahlia Press. Diane, Damhnait and Susmita will read samples from their collections and there will be Q and A.
ALSO at the festival:
Saturday, June 29: Michael Loveday (author of Three Men on the Edge) chairs a panel discussion / Q&A on the Novella in Flash with Meg Pokrass, Charmaine Wilkerson, and two writers from this year's Bath Flash Fiction Novella-in-Flash Awards: Ellie Walsh and Johanna Robinson.
Sunday, June 30: Michael Loveday (author of Three Men on the Edge) runs a writing workshop on "Flash Fiction Sequences".
Malmesbury Festival , Sunday, August 11, 10am-1pm, Michael Loveday (author of Three Men on the Edge) runs a writing workshop on prose poetry, flash fiction and the cross-over between them.
Retreat West Flash Fiction Retreat , November 18-24, Michael Loveday (author of Three Men on the Edge) teaches some workshops on the novella-in-flash at the 6-day retreat.
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