Saturday 2 July 2016

Less than a month left to submit!

Yes, that's right, less than a month left now if you're planning to make the most of our current submissions window.

Still thinking about it? Enjoy extracts from some of V. Press's existing titles, a little graphic fun with our logo and details of our submissions window.

V. Press is open to flash fiction for the first time this year, on top of the usual poetry submissions. The fine print details can be found here.

Even if you've read or submitted before, please do take the time to read the guidelines (there are some updates!) and make sure you give your work the best chance possible - by following them.

Yes, we do ask for a few specific things. But there are good reasons for them. And the time and care that these take to include is a very small fraction of the time that it takes us to read submissions carefully. It's also an even smaller fraction of the time and care that we put into the manuscripts which we take on to publication.

Looking forward to reading your  work!

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