Big congratulations to both Damhnait and Diane!!!
The full list of this year's winners can be found here and the shortlists here. Big thanks to all at Sabotage Reviews who work so hard on the annual awards, on top of their year-round review coverage.
This also month saw the launch of A Bluebottle in Late October, a poetry collection by John Wheway that is very particular and very human.
More information, endorsements, a sample poem and ordering can be found here.
Helen Kay's poetry pamphlet This Lexia & Other Languages, which is published in July, is also now available for pre-order.
More information, endorsements, a sample poem and pre-ordering for this pamphlet of very genuine and very human poems can be found here.
V. Press will also be sharing snippet quotes from the pamphlet on Twitter and Facebook from the start of July.
Although it was only published in January, Ruth Stacey's I, Ursula is already on to its second print run.
More information, endorsements, a sample poem and ordering can be found here.
Fiona Sampson's recent Guardian review of the collection can be enjoyed here.
V. Press is also v. v. delighted to be able to share this beautiful short video reading by Nichola Deane of two poems from her V. Press collection Cuckoo.
More information about Cuckoo, another sample poem and ordering for Cuckoo can be found here.
V. Press editor Sarah Leavesley/James is very pleased to have had Arts Council England funding for a hypertext fragmented poetry narrative > Room.
The multimedia project features 45 virtual rooms containing poetry and images, with hypertext links on certain words or phrases allowing readers to move to different rooms and create their own path through the labyrinthine narrative.
You can explore and enjoy > Room for free here.
For those who are writers as well as readers and may be using their time at home to work on their writing, Sarah Leavesley also has a short (eight A4 pages) guidance sheet on 'Structuring a Pamphlet'.
The advice and points to consider are based on Sarah's own experience as a writer putting together her pamphlets and collections, as well as her work as an editor reading and working on other writers' manuscripts.
This guidance sheet is mainly intended for those putting together a poetry pamphlet. But some of the points on it may also be useful for flash pamphlets and full collections. This guide is free, though a voluntary Tip-jar donation of £2 is invited.
For a pdf copy of 'Structuring a Pamphlet', please either email Sarah at vpresspoetry@hotmail.com or click on the paypal Tip-jar donation button below.
To celebrate this year's National Flash Fiction Day on Saturday, 6 June 2020, V. Press is v. v. pleased to have a special flash fiction bundle offer (for U.K. delivery only and valid until 11.59pm U.K.-time on Sunday, 7 June 2020).
The NFFD2020 offer is any two flash fiction pamphlets from Carrie Etter's Hometown, Jude Higgins' The Chemist's House, Santino Prinzi's There's Something Macrocosmic About All of This, Paul McDonald's Midnight Laughter or Diane Simmons' An Inheritance for £12 including U.K. delivery.
The offer is valid until midnight on 6 June 2020 and only available for U.K. delivery. A random selection of two will be made by V. Press for orders where no preference is stated at the time of ordering.