two V. Press pamphlets shortlisted in this year's Poetry Pamphlet category for the 2018 Saboteur Award!!!
Both Romalyn Ante's Rice & Rain and Claire Walker's Somewhere Between Rose and Black are in the running for this year's prize.
The Saboteur Awards 2018: Spotlight on the Best Poetry Pamphlet Shortlist is now online here, including details about the two V. Press pamphlets shortlisted
The Saboteur Awards 2018: Spotlight on the Best Poetry Pamphlet Shortlist is now online here, including details about the two V. Press pamphlets shortlisted
Somewhere Between Rose and Black by Claire Walker is very earthy and very enigmatic - a sample poem and more about the pamphlet here.
Voters' praise includes:
"A truly incredible book of suppleness and sensuality which is lead by a compelling narrative. Beautiful." "Walker is a sensitive and intelligent poet whose lines are beautifully crafted."
Voters' praise includes:
"A truly incredible book of suppleness and sensuality which is lead by a compelling narrative. Beautiful." "Walker is a sensitive and intelligent poet whose lines are beautifully crafted."
Rice & Rain by Romalyn Ante is very rich and very distinct - a sample poem and more about the pamphlet here.
Voters' praise includes:
"Extraordinary poems, powerfully personal, subtly political, metaphysical"
"She is a very gifted poet. Her poems have a great joy to read with a different style of the way she writes and construct hers words beautifully."
V. Press is also very very delighted to see V. Press poetry designer Ruth Stacey shortlisted for Best Collaborative Work for her poetry duet with Katy Wareham Morris, Inheritance (Mother’s Milk Books).
And Jude Higgins' V. Press pamphlet The Chemist's House was also longlisted for the Best Short Story Collection. (More on the pamphlet here.)
Voters' praise includes:
"Extraordinary poems, powerfully personal, subtly political, metaphysical"
"She is a very gifted poet. Her poems have a great joy to read with a different style of the way she writes and construct hers words beautifully."
V. Press is also very very delighted to see V. Press poetry designer Ruth Stacey shortlisted for Best Collaborative Work for her poetry duet with Katy Wareham Morris, Inheritance (Mother’s Milk Books).
And Jude Higgins' V. Press pamphlet The Chemist's House was also longlisted for the Best Short Story Collection. (More on the pamphlet here.)
The final winner s for each category will be announced at the special Saboteur Awards festival event in London on Satuday, May 19 but before that the placings have to be decided...by public vote!
Voting starts today Monday, April 9 and ends on Wednesday, May 9. Even if you've already nominated, please do go along to the website here now to cast your vote and have your say in this year's winners!!!
VOTE HERE NOW for Somewhere Between Rose and Black /Rice & Rain !!!
Meanwhile, a quick reminder that V. Press is currently open to poetry submissions. (Please check out the guidelines here.)
Also, the very very exciting V. Press Stablemates reading in London takes place on Thursday, April 26. Book your tickets now at www.jillabram.co.uk/stablemates.
Also, the very very exciting V. Press Stablemates reading in London takes place on Thursday, April 26. Book your tickets now at www.jillabram.co.uk/stablemates.